
Executive Function Skills Can Be Explicitly Taught Podcast

Strong Executive Function skills are required to stay engaged, get organized, control impulsive actions, and rein in inappropriate emotional reactions. In this podcast, Dr. Peg Dawson shares how these crucial ‘habits of mind’ can be taught explicitly.

Growing OT Podcast: On Executive Functioning Skills for Adults and Children with Dr. Peg Dawson

In this podcast, called Growing OT, Peg provides an overview of executive skills in both children and adults, assessment and intervention strategies, and how occupational therapists can support these critical life skills.
The podcast is sponsored by SAOT (Society of Alberta Occupational Therapists)

Learn Smarter Podcast – Episode 201

Learn Smarter Podcast - Executive Functioning SkillsDr. Peg Dawson, the author of several important Executive Function Skills books, joins Rachel & Steph on the podcast. She shares what led her to exploring Executive Function Skills, her framework for supporting executive skills, and the difference between foundational and advanced skills.